Blazor:在 UI 更新时执行无关代码块
2024-12-22 12:31:23


@page "/example"

Blazor Example


@code { private string message = "Initial message"; private async Task UpdateMessage() { message = "Updating message..."; await Task.Delay(2000); // Simulating a long-running task // Execute the unrelated code block await ExecuteUnrelatedCode(); message = "Message updated!"; } private async Task ExecuteUnrelatedCode() { // Perform any unrelated operations here await Task.Delay(1000); // Simulating another long-running task // For example, you can make an API call or perform some calculations // This code will not affect the UI update // Note: If you need to update the UI within this code block, // you should use InvokeAsync method to ensure thread safety // Example: await InvokeAsync(() => message = "Updated from unrelated code"); } protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender) { // Execute the unrelated code block after the UI update is completed if (firstRender) { await ExecuteUnrelatedCode(); } } }

在上面的代码示例中,当用户点击"Update Message"按钮时,UpdateMessage方法会被调用。它首先更新message变量以显示"Updating message...",然后模拟一个长时间运行的任务。在此期间,ExecuteUnrelatedCode方法会被调用,在其中可以执行一些与UI无关的任务。最后,message变量更新为"Message updated!"。





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