2025-01-08 23:00:38



// 定义一个抽象工厂接口
interface AbstractFactory {
   public function createProductA();
   public function createProductB();

// 实现具体工厂类
class ConcreteFactoryForType1 implements AbstractFactory {
   public function createProductA() {
      return new ProductType1A();
   public function createProductB() {
      return new ProductType1B();

class ConcreteFactoryForType2 implements AbstractFactory {
   public function createProductA() {
      return new ProductType2A();
   public function createProductB() {
      return new ProductType2B();

// 定义抽象产品接口
interface AbstractProductA {
   public function usefulFunctionA(): string;

interface AbstractProductB {
   public function usefulFunctionB(): string;

// 实现具体产品类
class ProductType1A implements AbstractProductA {
   public function usefulFunctionA(): string {
      return "The result of the product A1.";

class ProductType1B implements AbstractProductB {
   public function usefulFunctionB(): string {
      return "The result of the product B1.";

class ProductType2A implements AbstractProductA {
   public function usefulFunctionA(): string {
      return "The result of the product A2.";

class ProductType2B implements AbstractProductB {
   public function usefulFunctionB(): string {
      return "The result of the product B2.";

// 客户端代码,根据不同条件调用不同的工厂来获取不同类型的对象
$clientCode = function (AbstractFactory $factory) {
    $productA = $factory->createProductA();
    $productB = $factory->createProductB();

    echo $productA->usefulFunctionA() . "
"; echo $productB->usefulFunctionB() . "
"; }; // 调用客户端代码 $clientCode(new ConcreteFactoryForType1()); $clientCode(new ConcreteFactoryForType2());



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