在electron应用程序中,必须手动实现OIDC SSO。使用Electron的InformationalDisplay广告条屏幕和Electron-OIDC库,可以通过以下代码示例实现:
// Load the library const { app, BrowserWindow } = require('electron') const { OpenIdConnectStrategy } = require('electron-oidc')
// Create a window const win = new BrowserWindow()
// Configure the OpenID Connect strategy const strategy = new OpenIdConnectStrategy({ clientId: 'myClientId', redirectUri: 'http://localhost/callback', authority: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/myTenantId', scope: 'openid profile', response_type: 'code' })
// Set the callback URL to handle OIDC responses app.on('ready', () => strategy.configure(app, win.webContents))
// Enable SSO app.on('ready', () => strategy.start())
// Handle OIDC responses app.on('oidc-response', (event, response) => { // Handle the response })
通过上述代码,我们通过Electron引入Electron-OIDC库,并基于OpenID Connect协议实现SSO。在将回调URL设置为处理OIDC响应的URL后,我们可以在以下应用程序中访问“oidc-response”事件,以处理OIDC响应。